5 Myths About the Game of Craps

Much like any other gambling game, craps, thanks to its existence since prehistoric times, has had to deal with its fair share of myths.

Superstitions, some call it, and quite rightly too. Of course, these myths are said to bring you good or bad luck but are heeded because they will cause you to lose money.

So, here are 5 myths about the game of craps that might not necessarily be true:

#1: Virgins can cause good or bad luck

Virgins, in this case, means new players, and the good or bad luck they bring depends on their gender. If you’re female, it means good luck and vice-versa for a new player who is male. In fact, some people have been known to leave the table as soon as a male wants to join the game.

#2: Beating the Casino is possible by placing varying Bets

If you’re on a ‘hot streak’, it’s a good idea to increase the stakes but conversely, it’s better to lower your bets if you are on a losing streak. Obviously, this superstition doesn’t matter since you are playing against the same odds with every bet.

#3: Avoid saying ‘Seven’ when a person is rolling

It’s been said that if you say the word when a player is rolling the dice, this will cause them to get a seven, thus causing all other bettors to lose. While this might seem silly, it’s a myth that has caught on. So, it’s best to stay quiet at the table instead of uttering these words so as to prevent an argument.