Even though video poker is often placed along with slot machines, the two are very different games. The most significant difference between the two is that slot machines require nothing but pure luck while video poker requires real skills and thought.
Slot machines are great if you want to play on your luck and want to gamble at a casino. You could opt for video poker if you are looking for a machine game that requires skills and can be played with low house edge. Video poker is, as a matter of fact, one of the rare games that you could play with a prior advantage over the casino.
Of course, it would require that you play only specific types of machines and that you include “comps” as well as promotions. You would also need to play every single hand perfectly to have great chances of winning.
Payback percentage of video poker
The payback percentage is defined as the percentage that the casino will pay out to its customers in gain over a long term period. For example if a game is set at a 90% payback percentage, it means that the casino will pay 90% in winnings and keep the remaining 10% for themselves as profit. This 10% is met over a long term and does not mean that the casino received 10 dollars for every 100 dollars spent. The payback percentage for video poker machines is determined by the pay table and therefore you chances of winnings increases if you play the machine to perfection.